are the longest living creatures in our oceans, capable of
living to be two hundred years or more, yet they are rarely
allowed that privilege. Nature itself has always been rough
on these creatures and man is no exception. It takes about
twenty-five years before the turtles reproduce and maybe one
in one thousand hatchlings in the wild will make it to
maturity. They face growing dangers from hunting and effects
of other human activities.
Now, besides only working with turtles, I strive to pass on my work and philosophy, to save the turtles for future generations. We also have some Red-foot Tortoises we use for educational purposes. Red-foots are protected under Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Red-footed tortoises live in tropical forests and grasslands in northern South America and some islands of the Caribbean.
Discussion Site: The Floating Classroom visits Old Hegg The Barbados Sea Turtle Project (BSTP) -
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